La grande variété des rabattements…
Cet article parle des différents types de rabattements.
Freatische lagen aka vrije grondwaterlagen
Ontdek hoe het juist zit met freatische lagen in Brussel!
Wat is dat, een bemaling? werkt met bemalingswater. Wat is dat nu juist, een bemaling? Lees het hier!
Qu’est ce que c’est, un rabattement? travaille avec de l’eau de rabattement. Qu’est-ce que c’est justement? Lisez-le ici!
Milieufeest - Fête de l’environnement 2022
Milieufeest / Fête de l’environnement = back & we were there!
GoodWater - NoWayBack’s new project
NoWayBack was awarded the GoodWater project of the commune Forest! Together we will research their water use and install a network of rainwater tanks throughout the commune.
Rainwater, here we come!
Opensource & A’lem Trait d’Union work together to create a standardized rainwater recuperation system.
New installation with Net Bruxelles Propreté
At the Buda bridge a new Opensource installation is installed.
Second Opensource-installation in Brussels
The second Opensource installation starts in the citycenter of Brussels.
Take part in the Waterpolicy in Brussels!
Help shape the water management plan in the Brussels Region!
Start of a sustainable network
Opensource starts the first of many longtime collaborations in its groundwater network.
Installation tested? Check!
In order to achieve our current situation a lot of preparation and testing was done.